Third Common ATLAS CMS Electronics
Workshop for LHC upgrades


CERN, 9-11 March 2011

This workshop will be dedicated to electronic issues for upgrades, focusing on subjects where common features or developments are likely. Developments for both early upgrades, upgrades for Phase I and upgrades for high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will be included with special emphasis on Phase I. The following main areas will be covered:  

  • Experience from operations relevant to future upgrades, including heavy ion running
  • Front-end electronics development for Phase I
  • Electronics systems for triggering and DAQ at Phase I, including the use of modular electronics standards such as xTCA
  • Optical and electrical links
  • Power distribution and low power design techniques
  • Progress on upgrades for HL-LHC

Oral presentations will be made by invitation. A poster session will be organised during the first evening social event; abstracts will have to be submitted on the indico page. More details can be provided by contacting a member of the programme committee.

For more information please contact:
 Evelyne Dho

Preliminary program and registration at:

Programme Committee

Philippe Farthouat (CERN - co Chair)
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBL)
Norman Gee (RAL)
Geoff Hall (Imperial College London)
Magnus Hansen (CERN)
Francesco Lanni (BNL)
Jordan Nash (Imperial College London - co Chair)
Wesley Smith (Wisconsin)

A workshop dinner is organised on Thursday evening in the Globe.

Accommodation information:
It is highly recommended to book accomodation as early as possible because of the Geneva Car Show taking place at that time.

In addition to the CERN Hostel , here is a list of local hotels

This event is sponsored by SLHC-PP and ACEOLE.

SLHC-PP is a project co-funded by the European Union in its 7th Framework Programme, CERN and 17 European research institutes and universities.

ACEOLE is a Marie Curie Action at CERN, funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Program.

SLHC-PP Marie Curie aceole